Tribal community in Boga lake

Tribal community in Boga lake, Bandarban

It is easy to imagine for the common people that almost 1500 ft above sea level and unfavorable natural area of Boga lake has made it without any existence of human community or barren area indeed. But the tourists and travelers will feel relieved to know that they will find numbers of local tribes like Bawm or Bom, Khumi and others on their way and in the Boga lake area too .Generally the tribes are considered their asset in their journey of Boga lake to welcome them warmly and for the betterment of their interesting tour.

Boga lake para

Along with the original inhabitants of Boga lake like Bawm and Khumi communities there are some other diverse tribal communities are noticed on the way or in the surrounding areas of Boga lake. For example in the northern side of the Boga lake their lives the Marma tribal community which is renowned as the largest tribal community of our country indeed. Again, there are also seen Murong communities in the Bog lake area. And all these diverse communities form an act as a common community which is well known as Boga lake para. Among the inhabitants of Bog lake para the Bawm and the Murong tribal people are famous for their friendly attitude to welcome the tourists and trekkers warmly.

Tribal assistance in Boga lake

The astonishing beauty of Boga lake is undoubtedly its first attraction for the travelers and trekkers to make a real adventurous journey with a smiling face. But it is also cannot be denied that the way of treating of the local inhabitants also add a breathe of satisfaction to them in the Boga lake area. In that unknown unfriendly area from food to every single thing the new comers have to rely on the tribal communities. And to their utter surprise they just not only manage all the stuffs with a happy smiling and a helping hand but they also enjoy it. And sometimes a bit educated and modern tribal families or identities can also instruct them in different ways and let them know more information about ancient history and modern political, environmental and other positive or negative issues of their lives in the Boga lake.

Nature of tribal commons in Boga lake

If we have to analyze about the nature of the local tribes of Boga lake then those who have experienced their accompany would hardly deny about their polite and friendly nature. Apart from a very few exceptions the common tribes really follow the traditional Bengali culture. They lead basically very simple life. Most of them prefer or have to prefer cultivation as their profession. There is a common tradition of zum cultivation which is a renowned one in the Bog alto. They form usually large families and They are pretty much well behaved to their guests of Boga lake and try to make them satisfied to their hearts content. They feel free to share their lifestyle in the Boga lake. Some feel afraid of them before going to Boga lake being unknown of their nature. But it is really good news that they are just like us and always ready there to help the tourists out in the Boga lake. Do not be afraid, mentality of common ways and beliefs.

Precautions in behaving with the aborigine people in Boga lake

But it should be also reminded that none should criticize their culture or lifestyle or beliefs while visiting their local areas of Boga Lake. It is then actually normal that they could get disturbed or angry. And adopt some hostile behavior. But it is really rare until the tourists or trekkers do not wish to have a clash. The guests of Boga lake that is why should also be well behaved with them should respect their culture and follow some common antiquate like not to criticize them, follow their instructions as they know better than the new comers and they have potential right to instruct about Boga lake. Again it should be better not to interfere in their personal matters and to take permission before framing or capturing their personal images or videos and after all to adopt a peaceful relation to enjoy their trip without any harassment in Boga lake.

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