Sakura Hill Resort Restaurant

Name of Restaurant: Sakura Hill Resort Restaurant.

Address of Restaurant: Sakura Hill Resort, Ruma Road, Bandarban, Chittagong, Bangladesh.

Bandarban Restaurant

Restaurant of Sakura Hill Resort

Description of Restaurant
Sakura Hill Resort is situated at 3 kilometer away from Bandarban Town. Sakura Hill Resort is the nice place to stay and their food item is also good. Sakura Hill Resorts has their own restaurant. In this restaurant there are available of breakfast and 3 types of lunch and dinner. Sakura Hill Resorts also able to manage BarBQ, camp fire etc. There are lots of delicious items found in Sakura Hill Resort.

All Food Items and Prices of Sakura Hill Resort.

SL Menu Rate
01 Ruti/Parata 100/-
02 Vegetable
03 Egg Omlet/Mumlet
04 Tea/Coffee
05 Seasonal Fruits 20/-
06 Traditional Binni Rice (with Coconut and Sugar) 30/-
Total 150/-
Lunch & Dinner – 1
SL Menu Rate
01 Chicken/Beef Curry/Fish 350/-
02 Plain Rice
03 Plain Dal
04 Mixed Vegetables
05 Two Kinds of Bharta
06 Salad
07 Seasonal Fruits
Lunch & Dinner – 2
SL Menu Rate
01 Fish Curry (Shrimp, Ruhi, Prompet, Hilsha etc) 400/-
02 Chicken Curry / Beef Curry
03 Plain Rice
04 Plain Dal
05 Mixed Vegetables
06 Two Kinds of Bharta
07 Salad
08 Seasonal Fruits
Lunch & Dinner – 3
SL Menu Rate
01 Khichuri 450/-
02 Chicken Curry / Beef Curry
03 Fish Fry (Shrimp, Ruhi, Hilsha etc.)
04 Achar
05 Two Kinds of Bharta
06 Salad
07 Seasonal Fruits

* Price may vary depending on different factors.

More info/Contact

For More Information or Hotel Booking you can contact with us via email: or phone. @ +88 01856699910, +88 01856699911 (2pm-10pm).

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Sakura Hill Resort Restaurant, 4.3 out of 5 based on 3 ratings

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