Holiday Inn Resort

Name of Resort: Holiday Inn Resort.

Address of Resort: Holiday Inn Resort, Meghla, Bandarban, Chittagong, Bangladesh.

Phone Number: +88 01856699910, +88 01856699911.

holiday inn resort

Holiday Inn Resort

Room Types of this Resort:

  • AC Deluxe
  • AC
  • Non AC
  • Cottage

Number of Rooms in this Resort: There are 9 rooms and a cottage (2 rooms) in this resort.

Rent of Room: Rent range of Holiday Inn is approximately Tk. 1800-2200 (BDT).

Description of the Resort:
Holiday Inn Resort is situated at near Meghla Tourist Spot in Bandarban. Distance from Bandarban sadar to hotel is about 5 kilometer. Traveler can go there by Bus or Jeep (locally known as “chander gari”).

bed room of holiday inn resort

Bed Room of Holiday Inn Resort

There are 7 (3+4) AC rooms, 2 Non AC rooms and a cottage with 2 rooms at Holiday Inn resort.
Total 4 persons can stay at the cottage. All rooms are Couple/Double and Single bed. There are extra bed and Tent facilities in this cottage. For extra bed traveler have to pay Tk. 200/- (BDT) and tent cost is Tk. 600/- (BDT) for two persons and Tk. 1000/- (BDT) for four persons.

Holiday inn resort has their own restaurant named as A Lake View Restaurant. Food quality of this restaurant is very good.

Holiday inn resort is well decorated and really nice place for stay. This resort is situated besides a beautiful lake. So its natural beauty will charmed you.

List of room types and prices of Holiday Inn at a glance:

Room Type Type of Bed Number of Rooms Price per Room
AC Deluxe Double/Couple Bed 3 2500/-
AC Room Double/Couple Bed 4 2000/-
Non AC Room Double/Couple Bed 2 1800/-
Cottage 2 Bed 2 1800/-

* Extra Bed Tk 300/- (BDT)
* Tent for 2 persons Tk 600/- (BDT) and for 4 persons Tk 1000/- (BDT)

* 15% Service Charge will be added.
* Price may vary depending on different factors.

Some Pictures of Holiday Inn Resort Bandarban

More info/Contact

For Hotel Booking you can contact with us via email: or phone. @ +88 01856699910, +88 01856699911.

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Holiday Inn Resort, 4.0 out of 5 based on 29 ratings

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47 thoughts on “Holiday Inn Resort

  1. Tanvir Hasan

    Can you please tell me the booking system in this resort. I want AC double bed for 2 days (20 and 21 September 2012).

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    • BandarbanTours Post author

      Thank you so much for your comment. You may talk with us @01197397788 and we will confirm you soon.
      Thank you again

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  2. abir ahmed

    nice pictures!

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  3. Nahid

    can you informed me the facilities at Holiday Inn??

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    • BandarbanTours Post author

      Thank you for your message.

      Please call us at our contact number to get your desired hotel/resort booking @01197397788. Happy Tour !

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    • BandarbanTours Post author

      what about??

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  4. Akash

    About the facilities of this bandarban resort…..

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  5. Kamrul

    I want to book the general room of Hotel Holiday Inn. Date: 11/04/2012.


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    • BandarbanTours

      As per our discussion we shall try to manage the room for you and hoping you would come on Monday to confirm the booking.


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  6. Safiq

    i want to know about Holiday Inn booking system.

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    • BandarbanTours

      Please contact with us.

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  7. jamal

    we are 10 persons. so we want to book Holiday Inn. We need information that how many rooms we need for 10 persons.


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    • BandarbanTours

      No problem. you can booking rooms for 10 persons. Can you contact with us for booking confirmation??

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  8. sajib

    I want to know security system about Holiday Inn..

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    • BandarbanTours

      Security system is very strong. You can contact us with the +88 01197397788 for more details about Holiday Inn.

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  9. sogir

    Can you please tell me the booking system of this resort. I want AC double bed for 2 days (25 and 26 September 2012).

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    • BandarbanTours

      To book you can contact with us.

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  10. jasim

    What is the condition about Holiday Inn Ac Rooms…

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    • BandarbanTours

      Ac rooms conditions is very nice. For more details you can contact with us .


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  11. Kaysar

    Can you tell me the booking system of Holiday Inn???

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    • BandarbanTours Post author

      you can booking rooms of holiday Inn from our Tourcircle office.


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  12. Ahkas

    i want to book holiday inn room from 22 September to 24 September. Can i booking room now??

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    • BandarbanTours Post author

      Sorry, we can not provide any room at this time. Thanks to call us for booking the rooms. we are waiting to the next call from you.

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  13. bablu

    can you consider me with the booking rooms???

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    • BandarbanTours Post author

      Actually all customer are same to us. Normally we consider booking fee from all customer. So we can give this opportunity to you.


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  14. Sajib kumar Dey

    Actually i want to know about booking system of Holiday Inn.

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    • BandarbanTours Post author

      You can contact with the +88 01197397788 or you can contact with the 271/A, Outer Circular Road, Bara Moghbazar, Dhaka-1217, Bangladesh.


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  15. Rasel Kobir

    Can i booking 2 Ac rooms from 20 April to 22 April.

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    • BandarbanTours Post author

      yes you can booking rooms with following way:

      1. To the Contact Number: +88 01197397788
      2. To the address:

      271/A Outer Circular Road, Bara Moghbazar, Dhaka-1217, Bangladesh.


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  16. upol

    how can i booking holiday Inn rooms??

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    • BandarbanTours Post author

      please contact with us to book.

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  17. jamal kobir

    i want to book 2 rooms for 1 days. so how can i advance booking??

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  18. Fazlay Rabby

    I need some booking info. but the number u hv given is not avilable.plz contact with me 01611706310.thnx

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    • BandarbanTours Post author

      please sir try again. thank you 🙂

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  19. Obayedur Rahman

    Currently, I am residing out of country. I would like to book your resort (COTTAGE) from 3-Dec,2012-10 Dec,2012. Please advise on availability.

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    • BandarbanTours Post author

      Please call us at our contact number to get your desired hotel/resort @01197397788. Hope You will get all information.

      Thank you.
      Happy Tour !

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  20. tondra

    how many rooms do you have in the cottage? Can we book for 4 people?

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  21. Md. Elias Chowdhury

    Can you please give me the Contact number of Holiday Inn.

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  22. Shams

    i need 2 double bed room for 14 and 15 december? can u inform me the availbility of the room, also inform me the per room rent?

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  23. sammir Ahmed

    I need some booking info. this is my number 01684422450 can you please inform me.

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    • BandarbanTours Post author

      Thank you for your comment.
      If you have any question/query and/or for hotel/resort booking please feel free to ask us @ +88 01197 397788 (2pm-10pm).

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  24. Md. Moniruzzaman

    I want to stay at Holiday INN from 2nd March to 4th Mrch(3 nights). How can i book room.
    I need triple bed room.

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  25. Nesar Ahmed Julius

    Dear Admin,
    Hope everything is going fine.We, two family (total 4 and 2 kids)want to visit Bandarban 8-10 Sep 2013 inshallah. Pls advise me about a tour plan including cost effective hotel/resort, transportation from and to Chittagong, meal and sight seeing. Also the estimated cost for us. Hope to get your text in my mail box. Regards.


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    • BandarbanTours Post author

      Dear Mr. Julius,

      Greetings from BandarbanTours and Thanks for getting in touch with us.
      We do advance Booking for best hotels and resorts in Bandarban also provide transportation in the area of Bandarban.

      You can choose Hillside Resort / Sakura Resort / Holiday Inn Resort or you can choose Sangu Hotel / Plaza Hotel.

      Room Tariff of Hillside Resort (Moyna, Munia, Tuntuni, Dhanesh Cottage):
      AC Couple Bed : 3000/- Taka Per Night.
      Non AC Couple Bed : 2500/- Taka Per Night.
      Extra Bed : 1000/- Taka Per Night.

      Room Tariff of Sakura Hill Resort:
      AC Bungalow (2 Bed) : 3500/- Taka Per Night.
      Non AC Cottage (1 Bed) : 2500/- Taka Per Night.

      Room Tariff of Holiday Inn Resort:
      AC Deluxe: 2200/- Taka Per Night.
      AC Couple Bed: 1800/- Taka Per Night.
      Non AC Cottage (2 room) : 2500/- Taka Per Night.

      Room Tariff of Hotel Sangu:
      AC Couple Bed : 2000/- Taka Per Night.
      Non AC Couple Bed : 1000/- Taka Per Night.

      Room Tariff of Hotel Plaza Bandarban:
      AC Couple Bed : 2400/- Taka Per Night.
      Non AC Couple Bed : 1200/- Taka Per Night.

      We have some transport package also.

      Package–1 Bandarban – Golden Temple – Meghla – Nilachol – Bandarban @ Tk 5000/- (BDT)
      Package–2 Bandarban – Nilgiri – Chimbuk – Shoilo Propat – Milonchori – Bandarban @ Tk 6000/- (BDT)
      Car Type: Land Cruser Jeep;
      Max capacity: 6 person.

      Additional 15% service charge are added with room tariff & transport cost.

      Rooms are still available so Please confirm as early as possible.
      You should come to our Moghbazar (Dhaka) Office and pay the cost for Advance Booking.
      As these are the best hotels/resorts in Bandarban so it requires to Book well ahead of the tour date.

      For more information or Hotel/Resort/Transport Booking please feel free to call us at +88 01836 151651 or +88 01197 397788.

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  26. Md Mahbubur Rahman

    Hi Holiday Inn
    We are a family of 15 persons expecting to visit Bandarban on 18 October 2013 and a 2-night & 3-day stay in your resort. Are A/C rooms available on above dates? Awaiting your kind response soon. Thanks.

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