Wood Spice Holiday Home

Name of Hotel: Wood Spice Holiday Home

Address of Hotel: Wood Spice Holiday Home, Bandarban, Chittagong, Bangladesh.

Room Types of this Hotel :

  • Non AC Room (Attached Bath)
  • Non AC Room (Triple Bed)
  • Non AC Room (Double Bed)
  • Non AC Room (Single Bed)

Rent of Room: Price range of Wood Spice Holiday Home is approximately Tk. 600/- to Tk. 1500/- (BDT) only.

Double Bed Room

Double Bed at Wood Spice Holiday Home

Two Single Bed

Two Single Bed of Wood Spice Holiday Home

Description of the Hotel

Wood Spice Holiday Home is situated at Bandarban Sadar. There are all Non AC room facilities in this rest house. If the traveler or visitor seeks for reasonable hotel in Bandarban then Wood Spice Holiday Home will be one of the best choices. Wood Spice Holiday Home is maintained by “Bangladesh Police”. They provide maximum comfort, security and luxury for the customers. All rooms of Wood Spice are nice decorated and wooden environment. As the Wood Spice Holiday Home is maintained by Bangladesh Police so it has the highest security indeed. Bandarban Travelers are most welcome to stay here.

Holiday Home Bed Room Facility

Bandarban Wood Spice Holiday Home Bed Room

Single Bed

Single Bed of Wood Spice Holiday Home

List of room types and prices of Wood Spice Holiday Home at a glance :

Room Type Room Price (BDT)
Non AC Room (Attached Bath) 1200/-
Non AC Room (Triple Bed) 1500/-
Non AC Room (Double Bed) 800/-
Non AC Room (Single Bed) 600/-
Wood Spice Holiday Home Bathroom

Bathroom of Wood Spice Holiday Home

Wood Spice Holiday Home

Wood Spice Holiday Home

* 15% Service Charge will be added to the room tariff.
* Price may vary depending on different factors.

More info/Contact

For Hotel Booking you can contact with us via phone. @ +88 01856699910, +88 01856699911 or email: info@bandarbantours.com .

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Wood Spice Holiday Home, 5.0 out of 5 based on 7 ratings

Popular Search Terms

wood spice holiday home (13), climate9ac (1)

5 thoughts on “Wood Spice Holiday Home

  1. Hasan

    OK sure!

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  2. Koushik

    can you informed me that ”Triple Bed room has atteched bath or others”.

    VA:F [1.9.8_1114]
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  3. Ahmed Jamal

    nice gallery and information…..

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  4. Asif abdullah

    Is it maintain by Bangladesh police??

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  5. hassan marz

    actually we are i say you very frendly we are a group like to tour bandorban nilgiri and other exciting place.we all are frend so we having there lots of fun like crazy people can u suggest me where we stay or cntract for the tour. we want to go bandorban at march,,and we all are collage students…so plse suggest me very cheaply…..

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