Name of Hotel: Hotel Ajmir.
Address of Hotel: Hotel Ajmir, Bandarban, Chittagong, Bangladesh.
Phone Number: +88 01856699910, +88 01856699911.
Room Types of this Hotel :
- Single
- Couple/Family
- 3 Bed
- 4 Bed
- Dormitory
Number of Rooms in this Hotel: There are more than 14 rooms in Hotel Ajmir.
Rent of Room: Rent range of Hotel Ajmir is approximately Tk. 600-2250 (BDT).
Description of Hotel Ajmir
There is single bed, double bed, triple bed, four bed, couple bed and dormitory facilities in this hotel. Total number of rooms in this hotel is more than 14. Hotel authority is able to manage extra facilities like guide service and they can manage breakfast, lunch and dinner for travelers. If the Traveler or Visitor seeks for reasonable hotel in Bandarban then Hotel Ajmir will be one of the best choices. Starting price of a single room is only Tk. 600 (BDT). Hotel Ajmir is very cheap hotel in Bandarban. In off season traveler will get the hotel room at 20% less from total price. Checkin and checkout time from this hotel at 12pm.
List of Room Types and Prices of Hotel Ajmir at a glance:
Room Type | Number of Rooms | Room Rent (BDT) | Other Facilities |
Single | 2 | Tk. 600/- | With attached bath |
Couple/Family | 6 | Tk. 1200/- | With attached bath |
3 Bed | 1 | Tk. 1800/- | With attached bath |
4 Bed | 2 | Tk. 2250/- | With attached bath |
Dormitory | 6 | Tk. 1200/- | Common bath |
* 15% Service Charge will be added to the room tariff.
* Price may vary depending on different factors.
More info/Contact
For Hotel Booking you can contact with us via email: or phone. @ +88 01856699910, +88 01856699911 .
Popular Search Terms
hotel 4 star bandarban (49)
i want to book a room( couple) for 26 December to 29 December, what i have to do please let me know as early as possible……
You can call us at +880 1197397788 for your booking.
we are six friend need a dormitory many cost at the present time
Thanks for your comments and Greetings from BandarbanTours.
According to your mail you need 1 Dormitory/flat Non AC Room for 6 person. It will cost 4000/- tk per night in Three Star Hotel Bandarban.
As it is Eid and Holiday booking so i recommend you to book as early as possible otherwise it will be difficult to manage.
Please call at +88 01197 397788 or +88 01836 151651 for your booking confirmation.