Name of Resort: Laimi Hill Side Resort
Address of Resort: Laimi Hill Side Resort, Eden Road, Ruma Bazar, Bandarban, Bangladesh.
Phone Number: +88 01856699910, +88 01856699911.
Cottages Name: AC Cabin, Lal Khum Cottage, Bawm Cottage, Bamboo Cottage, Dormitory-1, Dormitory-2.
Total Cottages: There are total Six (6) Cottages at Laimi Hill Resort.
Rent of Resort: Rent Range of Laimi Hill Side Resort is Tk. 00.0 (BDT).
* 15% Service Charge will be added.
* Price may vary depending on different factors.
More info/Contact
For Hotel Booking you can contact with us via email: or phone. @ +88 01856699910, +88 01856699911.